Sharing real feedback from top VCs that I've received over the past 2 years of bootstrapping Saasify.

<aside> ⚠️ Don't worry, this is NOT a sales pitch for my startup. Actually, it's kind of the opposite.



For many aspiring founders, the prospect of pitching VCs is both exciting and also completely foreign.

How do they think?

At what point should I be reaching out?

How many investors should I be speaking with?

What should I be on the lookout for?


And while bootstrapping my startup over the past two years, I've had the unique privilege of meeting with dozens of top-tier VCs.

And I ended up getting rejected from all of them.

And my company ended up getting rejected from all of them.

<aside> 👆 This is a really important distinction to keep in mind. YOU are not getting rejected — it's some combination of your company / market / business plan and the VC's own interests / timing / strategy.


So as a true believer in open source and building in public, I decided to shed some light on this archaic process by sharing some real feedback that I received from real VCs on my very real startup.

Image credit: Giphy

Image credit: Giphy


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> This is the startup we'll be talking about. If you want, you can check it out here.


Problem: It's really difficult for developers to monetize their side projects